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Jim's Mobile Incorporated
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Jim's Mobile Incorporated
1960 Kerr Gulch Rd
Evergreen, CO  80439

(303) 233-5353 (Phone)
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Jim's Mobile Inc.
Manufacturing Advanced Telescope Products.

Interesting Sites

Astronomy Directories

Astronomy Publications

Astronomy News and Education

Astronomy Observations


Web-Based Astronomy Newsgroups

Amateur Astronomer Sites

Other Astronomy-Related Sites

International Business


Astronomy Directories

AstronomyLinks.com — an index of astronomy and space related websites and news headlines

The Astronomy White Pages — a listing of astronomy organizations on the internet

The Astronomy Yellow Pages — a listing of astronomy-related businesses on the internet


Astronomy Publications

Astronomy — a monthly astronomy magazine published in the Waukesha WI U.S.A.

Astronomy Technology Today — a monthly astronomy magazine published in the U.S.A.

Sky & Telescope — a monthly astronomy magazine published in Belmont MA U.S.A.

Astronomy News and Education

Worldwide Telescope (WWT) — a Web 2.0 visualization software environment created by Microsoft Research that enables your computer to function as a virtual telescope—bringing together imagery from the world’s best ground- and space-based telescopes for the exploration of the universe.

Belmont Society — a very well done educational site for beginner and intermediate astronomers

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics news and information

NASA Science News — science @ NASA headline news

Solar System Simulator — simulates views of objects in our solar system—created by JPL's David Seal

Space.com — news of astronomy, skywatching, space exploration, commercial spaceflight and related technologies

SpaceDaily — your portal to space

Universe Today — space exploration and astronomy news from around the internet

Astronomy Observations

Comet Information — prepared by International Comet Quarterly (ICQ)

Digital Sky Survey

Hubble Heritage Project

Hubble Website


CNN Weather


National Weather Service — by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

USA Today Weather

The Weather Channel

The Weather Underground Inc. — including temperature indicators that you can add to your own website

Click for Lakewood, Colorado Forecast

Web-Based Astronomy Newsgroups

Yahoo Groups — Yahoo Astronomy Groups Directory

Amateur Astronomer Sites

Steve's Astronomy Site — using JMI equipment (including an NGT-18) plus High Energy Astrophysics Workshop updates

Why Binoculars? — read Bruce Sayre's article and see why viewing with both eyes is so much better than one

Other Astronomy-Related Sites

Astronomy Links — astronomy related link list developed by Clark Thomas

Galaxy Optics — source for the 18" mirrors in JMI's NGT-18 telescopes

Nova Optical Systems — source for the 12.5" mirrors in JMI's NGT-12.5 telescopes

Scale of the Universe zoom from the edge of the universe to the quantum foam of spacetime and learn the scale of things along the way!

Starry Night Lights — outdoor lighting products to help reduce light pollution

Universal Time

International Business

International Dialing Codes — information on dialing from one country to another

Translate Webites — show web site text in your language!

Universal Currency Converter — convert any currency to any other currency using up-to-date exchange rates

Airline Carry-On Luggage Allowances — a good primer on carry-on rules and what you can expect (pertaining mostly to U.S. flights)


Better Business Bureau Online

Federal Express (FedEx) — track your package (Fed Ex is used by JMI for most shipments.)

Google — internet search engine

Reverse Phone Lookup — look up individuals or businesses within the U.S.A. by phone number or name