Copyright © 1999-2022
Jim's Mobile Incorporated
All Rights Reserved.
Jim's Mobile Incorporated
1960 Kerr Gulch Rd
Evergreen, CO 80439
(303) 717-3345 (Cell)
Jim's Mobile Inc.
Manufacturing Advanced Telescope Products. |
Jim's Mobile Inc.
is officially shut down.
Please use the contact information below.
1) For all current JMI products, contact:
Farpoint / Optical Structures, Inc. (OSI)
Phone: 1-800-247-0304
Phone: 1-916-638-2003
FAX: 1-916-671-5669
2) For Jim's Mobile, Inc. or Jim Burr, leave a
message at 303-717-3345 (Jim's Cell)
Jim Burr
Jim's Mobile, Inc. |
Jim's Mobile, Inc. has authorized the transfer of the domain
JMITELESCOPES.COM to Farpoint/OSI as of November 1, 2018.
Any emails sent to Jim's Mobile, Inc. should use the domain
JIMSMOBILE.COM. For example, to contact Jim's Mobile,
send an email to
info@jimsmobile.com. Any email sent to
will not reach us.
of July, 2018, Farpoint / Optical Structures, Inc. (OSI)
will assume production of all JMI MOTOFOCUS and MOTODEC
products. Therefore, Jim's Mobile will be accepting new
orders only until 5:00 pm Mountain Daylight Time on
Monday, July 23. This will complete the transfer
of JMI products to Farpoint Astro.
AFTER 5:00 pm MDT on Monday July 23, 2018
(See information below)
Jim's Mobile will continue to manufacture and sell the
Reverse Binocular Telescope.
Jim's Mobile, Inc. and
Farpoint / Optical Structures, Inc (OSI) have agreed
that Jim's Mobile will continue to manufacture the
MOTOFOCUS products till as late as the end of 2018 to
help with the transition to OSI. Customers will be able
to purchase MOTOFOCUS through Dealers ONLY.
OF MOVE Jim's Mobile,
Inc. has moved to
1960 Kerr Gulch Rd
Evergreen, CO 80439
By Close of Business on Tuesday, September
19, 2017 Effective
immediately All Orders for JMI Astronomy Accessory Products (not
must be initiated through one of the following avenues:
Phone: 1-800-247-0304
FAX: 1-916-671-5669
Jim's Mobile, Inc. beginning September 20, 2017 via mail, email or local
phone numbers will be forwarded to Farpoint for processing.
RETURNS must be shipped to Farpoint.
Jims' Mobile Incorporated has signed
an agreement to sell the rights to the "JMI" name and all of JMI's
astronomy accessory products (not telescopes). In the near future
these products will be manufactured and sold exclusively by Farpoint/Lumicon
under the JMI name. The transfer process began on September 19.
Thank you all for being loyal
customers over the last 35 years! We are sure you will support the
new owners as you have supported us! Clear skies. JMI |
from Jim's Mobile
8" Second Generation Binocular Telescope
Jim's Mobile's new
Binocular Telescope is now available for $6,495 + $250 crating + S&H.
Click on the Prototype SGB-8 for a larger picture or
HERE for a short video of the SGB's improved features over the
Prices Include Shipping*
and we don't add handling charges!
* Free shipping is for domestic
orders within the
48 contiguous states of the United States.
other shipping charges are heavily discounted.
Free shipping does not apply to telescope orders. |
Reverse Binocular
There's Nothing Like Them!
Click on a picture...
Toni & Daphne Hallas
Upgrading from a 10"
to a 14.5" RB Scope |
The 10" Reverse
Binocular Telescope
(RB-10) |
The 6" RB-66
Being Placed in a
Carrying Case |
Jim Burr with the
16", 10" and 6"
Reverse Binoculars |
Here's what people are saying...
"I have had more aesthetic pleasure in three nights with the 10" Bino's
than I had in a year with my 25" scope." Tony Hallas (just
before he sold his 25" scope)
"A professor and several of us serious astronomers spent the night
trying to find words to describe what we were seeing. We were
dumbstruck, blown away, astonished...it's unspeakable. The views
are beyond the power of mere mortals to put into words. The RB-10
changes everything. It is the greatest piece of optical equipment
I've ever looked through." Paul Carmody
(He traded up from a 10" to a 14.5" Reverse Binocular)
"The RB-10's continue to be the premier observational instrument
for deep sky work in our award-winning astronomy program. It
astounds absolutely everyone who sees it -- beginners and seasoned
observers alike. Whenever the RB-10's come out, attendance at the
lab night events doubles! The detail and resolution afforded by
viewing with both eyes makes it possible for my students to appreciate
and seriously study subtle structures in deep sky objects like nebula
and galaxies that other scopes only hint at. I plan on retiring in
a few years and I hope to purchase a set for myself when I do - After
using these for all this time, the night sky wouldn't be the same
without them!" Daniel E. Barth, PhD (Associate Professor -
Astronomy / Physics, Mt. San Jacinto College / Tahquitz High School)
"Tell Jim I'm a 'Happy Camper!' I've looked through hundreds of
telescopes in my life and I had never seen the nebulosity around Merope
until I used the RB-10, and there it was plainly in site, visually."
Tony Hallas (in a phone call to
"It's a home run with bases loaded.... The most outstanding scope
I've ever used."
Ralph Holt (commenting on his RB-14.5)
"The Binoviewer is better than using a single eyepiece but viewing
through JMI's Reverse Binocular is 10 times better than a Binoviewer."
Stan McDonald (using an RB-10)
"My neighbor, who owns a 17.5" Dob, saw M31 [in the RB-10] and went home
muttering something about never looking through a regular telescope
again." Tony Hallas
"The West Yorkshire Astronomical Society, Pontefract, England, recently
purchased a pair of 6-inch reverse binoculars following some outstanding
reports about them. I have to say that everyone using them has
been staggered by the improvement they give in the general view of the
heavens. The old saying of 'seeing is believing' is very
appropriate. I cannot describe the improvement in the view, you
would really have to look for yourself. Thank you JMI for another
outstanding product." Kevin Read (FRAS, Chairman WYAS)
"The [RB-10] bino's are the best thing to happen to astronomy since
Galileo." William Hildebrandt
"The huge RB-10 is such a thrill I cannot imagine ever buying a regular
telescope again. There is nothing, nothing, nothing like them."
Tony Hallas (before upgrading to an RB-14.5)
"After using the 14.5" Reverse Binocular, I feel a connection with
this universe like never before. This is nothing short of a
magnificent piece of optical engineering. It is superb in every
aspect! [It is] worth every penny and much more. No one who
sets their sights on these will ever be disappointed. ...[We] took a
look through them and then at one another. We had to gain our
composer and then try to find the words for what we had just seen;
"Unspeakable" was about the closest we could come. ... My advice
to any serious astronomer is to get these whatever you have to do.
If you want something bad enough, and this is well worth it, then make
the resolve. My aperture fever is finally cured....this is the end
of my long search and it's taken almost 50 years." Paul Carmody
"The RB-10 is primarily a deep space scope. I have used it to look
at galaxy clusters with absolutely breathtaking results. Imagine
seeing four or five 12th magnitude galaxies hanging as if suspended in
mid-air!! You can see the wake of the Swan Nebula without a
filter. The
view of Hartley 2 as it passed the
Double Cluster was absolutely 3D. So I was a bit surprised to
see the Great Red Spot on Jupiter so clearly from the Okie-Tex Star
Party. Field of view for this scope can be determined by
considering that it is just two 10" f/4.7 scopes, so you can use the
normal formula.... The included 25mm eyepieces deliver about 48x
magnification. Using a higher power only means the needed
'tweaking' or rather 'refining' takes a few extra seconds (that's right,
seconds). Remember everything is motorized!"
Tom Johnston (Production Manager, JMI)
"From the RTMC location at Big Bear, the RB-16 was showing detail in the
dark lanes between the arms of M51. After our eyes became
dark adapted it started to look like one of Tony Hallas' posters."
Tom Johnston (Production Manager, JMI)
Order NOW!
Go ahead, put some life back into
your nightlife!